Crest Electronics offers online support for all of our products. If you are unable to find the information you need online, please contact us via phone 336-855-6422, or with the "Get Help" option below and we will be happy to assist you.
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Crest Electronics, Inc. (CEI) sells products through authorized re-sellers. This is done in order to allow CEI to provide the highest level of service and support after the sale. The purchasing of a product from an unauthorized re-seller will result in a denial of service, support, and any expressed or implied warranty.
Examples of an unauthorized re-seller include: online sellers, auction sites, mail order, non-security oriented retailers, and similar. Crest does not allow the sale of its products in this manner due to our products’ uses, capabilities, and functions. Please contact us with any questions or concerns over the validity of a re-seller before completing a purchase |